My first Thanksgiving

Celebrating with the Family

In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated yearly on the second Monday of October - a celebration comparable to our “Erntedank” (harvest-thanks), except that Thanksgiving is a lot bigger, usually used as a chance to meet up with the family and celebrated not on a Sunday but on a Monday which is a bank holiday in all of Canada.

George usually celebrates Thanksgiving around the time he also starts finishing up the guest season, with the helpers and neighbours. Seven Pines is the center of the Thanksgiving family celebrations as well - the Cardinals (sister of Johan), who live about an hour’s drive away, came to visit, as well as a couple friends and of course, us helpers, the adopted family was there.

And because Wyatt’s birthday falls on the 11th of October (this year the day before Thanksgiving), and families like to use the extended weekend to basically party into Thanksgiving, the house was already filling up with extra people on Sunday - because the birthday and Thanksgiving are celebrated together, here (or, as Leah puts it: Thanksgiving was made for Wyatt so he does not have to go to school on his birthday. Having birthday on a national holiday is a blessing and a curse in one).

John, who is a fantastic cook, managed to prepare not only an amazing turkey during the morning hours, but also smoked ham from a neighbour’s pigs and a few other dishes to go with the meat, including some desserts. And the other guests brought some stuff of their own and thus added an even greater variety to our banquet.

Thusly, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal together, and more than one of us had to lie down afterwards for a little nap before even thinking about taking seconds.

Sadly, the Cardinals couldn’t stay overly long - they have a Ranch, too, and newborn puppies that can’t be kept alone for too long yet - but Jess and Alyssa, John’s twins, were visiting as well and taught me a few (card) games that made time just fly.

The leftovers fed us for another couple days, first just like that, then in form of savoury pie.

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