The first Snow

It’s not much but still undeniable - when I looked out of the window this morning, the surrounding area looked like hidden under a filmsy white veil. It’s snowing, barely noticeable, but snowflakes are falling lazily from the sky.

After already having to deal with the first frost at the end of September and then a completely frost-free and nearly summer-like October, November shows us it’s wintery face with the first snow.

The tiny amount of white on the grasses and roofs has melted away until noon, and the snowfall has been replaced by rain, but it’s one of the signs showing clearly that winter is coming closer.

Thus I put on some gloves and a scarf before going down to the campsite, even if my usual attire up until less than two weeks ago was a t-shirt and a fleece jacket, and go to work, undeterred by the change of weather.

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