MOGY - Magyarok Országos Gyűlése

In the middle of the Puszta

There are many places in Hungary of great historical importance for it’s people. One of the most vivid ones is probably the National Memorial Park in Ópusztaszer, with it’s impressive, 120 metre long cyclorama of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin.

And in this National Park the Magyarok Országos Gyűlése (in English: National Assembly of the Hungarians), short: MOGY, takes place.

A festical with a big riding- and fighting show, traditional and historical clothing and a huge market for all sorts of handcrafted products.

There are presentations to different themes - Hungarian history, the Baranta martial art and more - held in huge tents, a stage with Folk dancing and different Bands and even a few people from the military are there, looking for new recruits.

The whole setting reminds me of the medieval fairs in Germany, only the mead is missing and the tents have a different form - but the possibly most unusual and impressive thing about it are the many people with Karikás-Ostor (Bullwhips), whose loud cracking can be heard all around you, all the time.

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