Trip along the Dore River

Not too long ago we had a helper called Ben, who stayed with us on the ranch for a short time and owned a car (he “abandoned” us for a job in Vancouver). On his last weekend, John proposed to him to use the chance and explore the surrounding area, mentioning that the Dore River was a beautiful drive.

And because I had not really had the chance to explore the area yet, either, I was allowed to accompany him on the trip.

After a family breakfast we packed some hot tea and coffee, got comfortable in the car and puttered off. The Dore River valley is directly on the other side of the highway from the ranch, so instead of following the highway for some time we literally just had to cross it where the ranch drive meets the highway, and we were already on our way into the mountains.

The weather had been on the chilly side for the last few days, a first taste of Winter here in Robson Valley (or, as Leah asked me: “How do you liek Autumn so far?”), and even though we on the ranch had not had any snow but only frost so far, the mountain sides were already white all over.

We took a dirt road leading directly along the river which is usually used by logging trucks - yet, due to it being Saturday, we were the only people on the road. There is no paved road along the river.

The snow already started to turn the world around us into a monochromatic winter-wonderland about two or three kilometres into the trip. The only signs of our progress were the kilometre counters along the track that the truckers use for radio signalling during work days.

We first followed the signs to the Kristi glacier, but as the road conditions grew worse, turned around and followed the road on the other side of the river. We followed it for another ten or twelve kilometres into the mountains, passing by frozen ponds and half-frozen waterfall, before going back to the ranch.

Ben and I share an a little less common taste in music, and so we used the ride to enjoy the epic nature with epic metal music and introduce bands to each other that we liked and the other person had not heard of before.

It was - all in all - a great trip.

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