A first glimpse

Hard work - honest work

I haven’t been in Hungary for three days yet and could already talk for hours about what I’ve been doing and seeing.

My teamleaders, Sebastian and Zsófi, are incredibly nice people, and I have also finally met the two other volunteers, Ayse and Can (spoken: Aische and Tschan) from Turkey.

We were and are currently preparing the camp for the Youngsters, who will arrive today for the Youth Exchange - one group from Ukraine, one from Transsilvania (Romania) and a few kids from Hungary.

That means: cleaning and preparing the Jurtas (the white tents in the picture), carrying tables and stairs from a different camp close to the Balaton - which led to me already getting a glimpse at the big lake from afar - and all kinds of other cleaning- and setting-up-activities.

It’s hard work, but so much fun - all day outside and up and running, then falling into bed dead tired in the evening.

I didn’t really have time to get a good look at anything and make myself at home here, wet, but that will come.

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